Buck Africa










Price List 2024

Day Rate per overnight stay in camp (All prices in US $)

1 PH: 1 Hunter = $380
1 PH: 2 Hunters = $350
Additional Non-Hunters = $200 (per night)

PLEASE NOTE: All species underlined & in bold requires a special individual permit. We need 40 days notice prior to your arrival if you plan on hunting one of these species so that we will have sufficient time to apply for the permits.

If you hunt on our normal pricelist (listed below) there is no restrictions on sizes if you shoot a SCI Gold animal, there will be no extra charge.

* If specific sizes are requested by the client on animals then the following may vary and we can give you a price on request.

Baboon $ 500
Blesbuck Common $ 600
Blesbuck White $ 1500
Bushbuck $ 1600
Bushpig $ 1100
CAT: Caracal $ 2000
CAT: Civet $ 1900
CAT: Genet $ 900
CAT: Serval $ 3200
Crocodile $ 5500
Duiker (common) $ 600
Eland $ 3200
Fallow Deer $ 1650
Gemsbuck (oryx) $ 1600
Giraffe $ 2900
Hippo $ 11500
Honeybadger $ 1800
Impala $ 550
Impala Black $ 2000
Impala White Flank $ 2700
Jackal $ 550
Klipspringer $ 1800
Kudu Greater $ 3950
Lechwe $ 2900
Monkey Vervet $ 350
Mountain Reedbuck $ 1600
Nyala $ 2500
Ostrich $ 650
Porcupine $ 650
Red Hartebeest $ 1600
Reedbuck (common) $ 1300
Roan $ 6500
Sable $ 6000
Schimitar oryx $ 3000
Springbuck Black $ 900
Springbuck Common $ 600
Springbuck Copper $ 1600
Springbuck White $ 1800
Springbuck All 4 Above $ 3850
Steenbuck $ 650
Tsessebe $ 3500
Warthog $ 550
Waterbuck $ 2800
Waterbuck Cow $ 550
Wildebeest Black $ 1250
Wildebeest Black Cow $ 550
Wildebeest Blue $ 1250
Wildebeest Blue Cow $ 550
Wildebeest Golden $ 2200
Zebra Burchell’s $ 1400
Zebra Mountain $ 2250
Dangerous Game
Cape Buffalo $ 11000
Lion Male from $ 13000
Lioness $ 6000

* Animals wounded and not recovered to be paid in full.

Daily Rates & Packages Includes:
Accommodation, Meals, Laundry, Soft drinks, Water, Professional Guide, Skinner, All road transport within hunting areas, Field preparation on trophies, Pick-up & Drop-off at airport.

Daily Rates & Packages Excludes:
Personal expenses, Any extra sigh-seeing, Permit fees where applicable, Gratuities to staff, Any airfare, Rifle hire & Taxidermy.

Taxidermy & Trophies
Our experienced skinners will take care of the skinning and salting of your trophy. After your safari we will take the trophies to a taxidermist of your choice provided that they are in the area or in Pretoria or Johannesburg. You have the choice of 2 options.

  • Dip and ship your trophies back home to be completed by a taxidermist you use back home.
  • Have your taxidermy completed here in South Africa. The taxidermy will receive the trophies within a week of your last day in Africa but will only start to work on them after a deposit is paid.

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